This post is the first post in a series of posts on the estimation of time series. Here we will learn how to test if a time sequence is a white noise. This is important for validating the performance of a method for estimating time series. In this post, we consider scalar time series.

A time series, denoted by , where is a discrete-time instant, is a white noise if the sequence is a sequence of independent and identically distributed random variables that have finite mean and variance.

So our problem can be formulated as follows. Given an observed random sequence , , determine if this sequence is white-noise.

How to tackle this fundamental problem? First, we introduce a sample mean:

Next, we need to introduce a sample autocovariance function:

and the sample autocorrelation function It should be kept in mind that $\hat{\rho}(h)$ is biased estimate of the “exact” autocorrelation function . The bias is in the order of $1/n$, and for relatively large , this bias is relatively small.

Next, we recall Theorem from (Brockwell&Davis, (1991), page 222)

Theorem 1. If is the stationary process where , , and , then for each where

and is the covariance matrix whose $(i,j)$ entry, denoted by is given by the Bartlett’s formula

In Theorem 1, denotes the “exact” autocorrelation function. The conditions of this theorem are satisfied by every AutoRegressive Moving Average (ARMA) process, that is driven by an IID sequence . Also in Eq.~\eqref{mainResultThm1} the notation stands for asymptotic normality.

So let us use the results of Theorem 1, to test if a sequence is a white noise. Let us assume that the sequence is IID(0,\sigma^2) Namely, for a white noise, we know that the exact autocorrelation function is and consequently, the matrix $W$ is an identity matrix. Furthermore, for large , the sample autocorrelation functions are approximatelly independent and identically distributed normal random variables with the mean of $0$ and the variance of $1/n$. So, we need to perform hypothesis testing: against .

Since $\hat{\rho}(k)$ is approximately normally distributed for large $n$ and zero mean, we can write for $l>0$


Brockwell, P. J., & Davis, R. A. (1991). Time series: Theory and methods (2nd ed.). New York: Springer.